Saturday, June 18, 2011

madly playing catch up!

I know I'm behind guys, sorry. Waiting for the book I ordered to arrive! Anyway, as soon as it does I will post my thoughts, hopefully it won't be too late to participate properly.

Should probably do a separate "what I'm reading post" that way it will all be indexed correctly. I've never participated in reading poetry in a group online before, so looking forward to seeing how it works!


  1. Hey Em,
    Just go online like I've had to do, I'm still waiting for my book too. The book I've picked is from the 90's and was out of print for awhile, so its been harder to find poems from it, but I just selected a piece from one of his other books for my first writeup. I think its the sense of continuum w/ one author that is the important point. And as w/ everything in life, you need to be ready to improvise at a moment's notice.

  2. Welcome; it's good to have you aboard! This one was a bit hasty for everybody; perhaps next year, we'll be able to do it in a more organised fashion. (But be forewarned, I pledge to be more organised next year every year.)

  3. Good to see you here. I'm rushing to get posts in on the front end, because Miko and Alex and I have a drunken poets weekend planned over the Fourth in Hoosierville and then I have a poetry workshop in Taos mid July, so the backend of this deal is going to be a bit of a mess for me. I have poetry coming out of my ears - what fun!

  4. Thanks, Laurie, Jeanne and Featherless :) I am well under way with posting now, still behind but have read through the collection and will be returning to ones that struck me often. I will post as many as I can before the fifteenth. Won't be the whole book but I don't if that would be possible, heheh.
