Sunday, June 12, 2011

M.A. Griffiths, Grasshopper

I'm new to the world of online poetry, so I never got to interact with M.A. Griffiths. But I've heard plenty about her work, and think I ought to get to know it firsthand.

The book hasn't shipped yet, but if it doesn't get here by the 15th, I can probably get by with the Internet for a couple of days. (This is the nice thing about online poets; their work can be found online.)

Book website here.

Update: Hooray, book arrived yesterday, and looks excellent! Introduction comments on Griffiths' reclusiveness, her fairness and generosity to other online poets, and her immense range. (The range is already apparent in the first 10 pages of poems.) I skipped the end of the introduction because it was full of snippets from poems and I didn't want spoilers.


  1. Ada and Evan
  2. The Dancing Bride
  3. Opening a Jar of Dead Sea Mud
  4. Drips From Psyche's Lamp
  5. Judas as a General Theory
  6. Carrier
  7. The Pismire Oration
  8. Jerome and a Theory of Nails
  9. Jack-in-the-Books
  10. Ariadne's Daughters
  11. My Life with a Latin Professor
  12. Fer Blossom
  13. A Sort of Ode to the Poem Lady

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